Leaders are constantly faced with challenges that test the police department’s integrity as they strive to reduce crime and increase the quality of life within their communities. The essence of police integrity is to balance respect, trust, and political influences, while working within legal authority in an ethical manner consistent with community expectations.

For this Discussion, review the textbook readings and articles in the resources for this week.

Post a description of potential ethical challenges in the Kennedy scenario from your resources this week. Based on your experience or research, do you believe the police officers involved in the scenario should have known their actions were questionable? Again, from your experience or research, what disciplinary action, if any, do you believe would be appropriate for this situation? Do you believe the letter from the chief of police to the citizens of Ft. Worth, Texas, was an adequate response to the situation? Why or why not? Finally, explain how leadership might have changed the outcome of the scenario by demonstrating integrity and ethics.

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