1. Energy and power are?
    1 point possible (graded)
    The same thing
    Related by the following equation: Power = Energy/Time correct
    Related to electricity only
  2. Carnot efficiency
    1 point possible (graded)
    Which of the following is true of Carnot efficiency?
    Carnot efficiency is the same as thermal efficiency
    Carnot efficiency is calculated using carnots
    Carnot efficiency is the maximum possible efficiency for a thermal heat engine
  3. IPCC
    1 point possible (graded)
    What does IPCC stand for?
    International Practitioners on Climate Change
    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change correct
    International Panel for Climate Counsel
    Intergovernmental Practitioners for Climate Change
  4. IPCC
    1 point possible (graded)
    IPCC is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IPCC produces
    assessment reports on the state of the climate at regular intervals by reviewing existing
    scientific research and looking for areas of agreement.
  5. True or False
    1 point possible (graded)
    Hydropower does not produce any carbon dioxide emissions.
  6. True or False
    1 point possible (graded)
    When talking about power stations, what is capacity factor?
    Capacity factor is the same as efficiency
    Capacity factor is the actual output divided by the nameplate capacity
    Capacity factor is the ratio of lost production due to maintenance to nameplate
  7. Choose the correct word
    1 point possible (graded)
    Bioenergy is transport fuel created from plants.
  8. True or False
    1 point possible (graded)
    Which of the following are environmental concerns related to onshore wind energy
    systems? Choose one or more answers.
    Noise pollution
    Waste disposal
    Aesthetic or visual impacts correct
    Impact on wildlife correct
  9. True or False
    1 point possible (graded)
    Wave energy generators are best placed in places where the waves are the biggest.
  10. True or False
    1 point possible (graded)
    Energy can only be stored in batteries.
  11. True or False
    1 point possible (graded)
    It is possible for intermittent renewables to cause disruptions to electricity supply.

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