1. Using the Internet, research acquisitions that are currently underway and choose one of these acquisitions to discuss. Based on the firms’ characteristics and experiences and the reasons cited to support the acquisition, do you feel it will result in increased strategic competitiveness for the acquiring firm? Why or why not? Of the problems that affect the success of an acquisition, which one do you believe is the most critical in the global economy? Why? What should firms do to make certain that they do not experience such a problem when they use an acquisition strategy?
  • What incentives influence firms to use international strategies? What are the three basic benefits firms can gain by successfully implementing an international strategy? Why? Determine why, given the advantages of international diversification, some firms choose not to expand internationally. Provide specific examples to support your response. As firms attempt to internationalize, they may be tempted to locate their facilities where business regulation laws are lax. Discuss the advantages and potential risks of such an approach, using specific examples to support your response.
  • Share a recent or current event in which a business or government failed to protect consumers. What were the failures? Who were the victims? What can or could be done to prevent such failures in the future? Do your findings change the way you will support the company in the future? You are encouraged to share resources that introduce or illuminate the event.
  • Find an outreach event involving your selected company (PROCTOR & GAMBLE)?  How does their participation in the event align with their stance as a business in the community?  Does the company’s involvement in this outreach activity align with its mission, vision, values?    

How (or does) the company benefit from sponsoring the event? How do you think this event brings your community together? How does the community view the company sponsoring the event? 

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