[Part 1 – Thread] In 500-600 words, contain at least 2 in-text citations Reply to the Thread… 
Thread: Exodus 18 gives an account of the advice Jethro (Moses’ father-in-law) gave him about a governance problem Jethro noticed as he came to visit with Moses during the wilderness journey. See if you can identify any of the Eightfold Path steps in how the new governance policy was established and implemented by Moses. Be sure all of your claims and conclusions are supported by an authoritative source.

[Part 2 – Replies] In 150 words each, at least 1 in-text citation each. (I will get you the two people by Wednesday) 
Replies: You will reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ threads. You should focus on how 2 of your classmates perceived the new governance policy aligned with the Eightfold Path guide steps (particularly steps 1-6). Be sure all of your claims and conclusions are supported by an authoritative source. 

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