Week 6’s readings include chapters on sustainable leadership, women in leadership, global leadership, and organizational design. For the discussion, we will focus on the organizational design chapter. Given the new challenges that leaders face, organizations can no longer always rely on traditional hierarchical organizational designs. In fact, the chapters we have read in previous weeks highlight opportunities to use shared and collective forms of leadership which allow organizations to be more agile. Organizational designs also allow leadership to be embedded in the organizational structure in unique ways over previous single-core organizations where everyone reported into a hierarchy and relied on centralized power structures for decisions.

Using the concepts from chapter 35, discuss the benefits of a new approach to organizational design in your current (or previous organization), with a focus on how this would alter the way leadership operates. Include discussion of challenges and benefits of such a new design, particularly how it might relate to the changing nature of today’s workforce.


-Include citations and references. Using additional sources will assist you to maximize your grade (e.g., multiple chapters from the class text, or additional sources besides the class text).

– your initial post should be around 300-400 words

– Cite your sources and use additional sources to maximize your grade

– Demonstrate critical thinking in your posts

– Proofread and spell check

[Note to writer: This is the book required for the entire course. To see this week’s needed readings for the assignment, look at below at the Required Readings for this week]

  • Hickman, G. R. (2016). Leading organizations: Perspectives for a new era (3rd ed.). SAGE. ISBN: 9781483346694


Required Readings

  • Read Hickman (2016) chapters 22, 35, 37, and 43.


Recommended Reading

  • Special Issue, Gender and Leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(3), 2016, ISSN 1048-9843, https://doi.org/10.1016/S1048-9843(16)30016-9. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1048984316300169)
  • Balestrero, G., & Udo, N. (2014).  Organizational survival: Profitable strategies for a sustainable future. McGrawHill.
  • Daft, R. L. (2015). Organization theory and design (12th ed.). Cengage.

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