
-Read and answer the questions below.

-APA 7 -Cite course textbook in answers below.

-Course Textbook: Sexual Offenses and Offenders: Theories, Practices and Policies 2nd edition Author: Karen Terry ISBN: 978-1-11304982-1 Publisher Cengage: Wadsworth

1. What is the appropriate sentence for a person convicted of possessing child pornography or distributing it for profit? Does it matter if this child pornography involves real children or virtual children? Should these sentences be as long as a sentence for sexually abusing a child, why or why not?

2.  Should consensual sexual behavior be allowed within prisons? Why or why not?

3. Religious institutions have often been exposed as places where adults have sexually exploited children. Research has shown us that there is usually equal representation of these cases among religions, so why do you think certain religious faiths have been targeted more than others? Please cite cases in your answer.

4. What is SANE? What is the role of SANE in assisting victims of sexual assault?

5.  Who are secondary victims of sexual assault? What issues do they face and how can society assist them with these issues?

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