For this week’s discussion paper, I have included 2 case studies under the content tab. Please read chapters 22&24 view the videos and the case studies and answer the corresponding questions. Some of you need to keep in mind the suggestions that I have given you in terms of supportive evidence and citations. Even though some of the case study questions include some opinion, you need to back up your statements and support with evidence. Summarized information from the cases studies MUST be cited. 

The case studies are taken from:
Sue, D. W., Gallardo, M. E., & Neville, H. A. (2014). Case studies in multicultural counseling and therapy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
APA style citation for this would be (Sue, Gallardo, & Neville, 2014) if placed at the end of a sentence.

If at the beginning of a sentence……. As noted in Sue, Gallardo & Neville (2014), the Case Study of George illustrates………

Case Study #1: (The Story of George)

1. According to George, the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation had given up on him, and his assigned counselor did not return his calls. Is this a problem? Does the therapist have a role in addressing this, and if so, what might that be?

2. Do you, as a counselor feel discouraged about the roadblocks facing George? Do you believe he can/will get a job? What might make that more likely? What role does therapy play?

3. Getting to therapy is physically labor intensive (two buses and walking several blocks) or unreliable (paratransit). How might this be handled in the therapy? What alternatives might there be?

4. Was it a mistake for the therapist not to comment on George’s body odor? Would commenting be experienced as judgmental or as failing to understand disability issues?

Case Study #2: (The Story of Sarah)

1. What are the central clinical issues that you would have focused on in working with a patient like Sarah? What would you have identified as the goals of therapy for her, had you been in this role?

2. What are the key family issues that might have been addressed with Sarah? How might these issues have been effectively addressed?

3. Identify the primary ways in which the therapist may have been influenced by stereotypes related to aging. How might the therapeutic process and outcomes have been different if the therapist were more aware of those stereotypes?

4. What were the benefits of this therapeutic process for the client? What ways could you imagine that would have created greater benefit for Sarah?

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