Paper Assignment: Students will choose one recent (within the last 2 years) Canadian
criminal case study and apply one sociological theory to explain why the behaviour. This
assignment will be in the form of a 1500 – 2000 word (6 – 7 pages double-spaced) paper.
Students will be evaluated in the following manner:
1. Defining the phenomenon (assault/fraud/homicide/theft/etc/other)
2. Describing the/your case study (no more than 1 – 1.5 pages)
3. Presenting the relevant research and theory to explain why the behaviour
4. Evaluating the explanations, noting limitations, and arriving at your conclusions
5. Writing technicalities – Format – APA 7th edition, spelling, grammar,
punctuation & articulation / Title page / Reference page
6. Comprehensiveness – Components of the theory are comprehensively discussed
With respect to the referencing, you will be required to incorporate at least 5 academic
sources pertaining to the specific criminological research and theory; the student is
expected to rely on these academic articles for support for their chosen topic. What
research and/or theory were used by the author(s) to explain your particular topic of
interest? A list of acceptable criminological research and theory are listed below.
Criminological Theory & Research
Social Learning Theory – Ecological and Social Disorganization Theory
Strain/Anomie Theories:
Differential Association Theories: (not Akers)
Labelling Theories:
Social Control Theory. – Modern Social Control
Rational Theories:
Subculture Theories:
Gender-Based Theories:
Conflict Theories:
Critical Theories:
Self-Control Theory. – Life-Course Theory
Post-Modern Theories:
*Please note that some of the above theories are broadly listed. Please ensure to
be very specific with your choice of theory application, as you may only choose
one for this paper. If you have any uncertainty regarding your choice,

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