Detail the comprehensive strategic analysis of the industry and the firm using single-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font, with 1 inch margins all around. Any information used in your analysis must be properly referenced using APA format. 4-5 PAGES

  1. Analysis of business-level positioning including overall market position, functional strategies, response to competitive/cooperative dynamics, and qualitative analysis of the position’s advantage over competitors.
  2. Analysis of the corporate-level strategy of the firm including identification of their business(es), diversification, and value
  • What the overall positioning of the firm is in this particular market; 
  • How the positioning strategy is (or is not) supported by its functional strategies; and
  • How the positioning strategy influences (or responds to) the competitive and/or cooperative dynamics of the industry. Be sure to include any appropriate quantitative analysis of the advantage this position yields (or fails to yield) over the firm’s competitors
  • Identify the businesses the company is in (or is considering entering), how they are related (or unrelated), and whether and how they create additional value in their combination. Be specific and detailed. If it is unclear that value is created, try to assess why the firm might have chosen to enter those businesses.  Be sure to include any appropriate financial analysis to support your assessment.

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