In this three-part assignment, plan and write a position paper response to one of the sources below. You are expected to use your knowledge and understanding of individualism and collectivism in this assignment.

This is the same written response required on Assignment II of the Provincial Diploma Exam. In Social Studies 30-1, there is a specific set of requirements to complete the position paper. Follow the directions carefully, and ask the lead teacher for help.

Part One: Select a Source                                                                                                           

Examine the following sources.  Select ONE to complete the planning questions on page 2.

Source 1   Giving blood has long been a common thing for people…So we must ensure that volunteerism continues. Cash for blood incentivizes the wrong behaviour. Canadian donors are not meant to be a revenue stream for private companies looking for profit. And there is evidence that a cash-for-blood system undermines the precious voluntary system.   -Senator Pamela Wallin   Wallin, P. (2018, May 31), Parliament of Canada . Speech presented to the Canadian Senate, Ottawa   Source: Government of Canada (Senate)   Note: *Some provinces in Canada allow for donors to be     paid for their blood donation. *Donors are paid in the United StatesSource 2   As we peer into society’s future, we–you and I, and our government–must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.   -President Dwight D. Eisenhower   Eisenhower, D. (1961, Jan 17),Oval Office Speech presented to the American People (Press Copy), Washington D.C.   Source: Wiki Commons


To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspective(s) reflected in the source? On the diploma exam, you PLAN & WRITE a written response to this question every time. On the position paper, there will always be a written source (quote) that reflects a certain ideology. Your job is to analyze the ideology, take a position, and use evidence from the course to support your arguments in response to the question highlighted above.    

For the purposes of this assignment, demonstrate your understanding of INDIVIDUALISM and COLLECTIVISM by discussing specific principles.

A discussion of specific ideologies is not required at this point in the course.

Refer to the ideas discussed in Part One of this assignment to help you complete analysis of source in Part Two #2 on the following page.

Part Two: Plan the Position Paper                                                      this section is ungraded

Students will be encouraged to complete this section to prepare them for their final response and may submit the planning to their Lead Teacher so as to receive feedback prior to submitting their final copy. Planning should also be completed to allow the teacher to compare what you planned to write and compare it to the effectiveness of what made it into the final product of this assignment.

  1. ANALYSIS OF SOURCE, I chose Source # _1_                                                        

In your own words, what does the source say? What is the key point of the source? Based on the statement, what beliefs or values are inherent or implied by this statement? What are the logical outcomes of this point of view for society?

The source explains that a cash for blood system in Canada is a poor choice for health organizations because it incentivises the wrong behaviour for the program, and gives private companies another revenue stream.

  • IDEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE IN THE SOURCE (for this assignment, primarily discuss individualism and/or collectivism)                                                                
  • What is the ideology presented in the statement? Does it adopt an approach of Individualism or Collectivism? Is it potentially both? Which principles? What leads you to believe that they lean left (collectivist) or right (individualist)?

The ideology that is presented in the statement adopts the collectivist approach. The author voices that a cash for blood system incentivizes the wrong principles, and that the system should be purely volunteer based.

  • Identify and explain your POSITION ON THE SOURCE. You do this by answering the assignment question inside the prompt box on page 3. This question will always be the same for every position paper in Social 30-1. What will change is the source. 

To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspective(s) reflected in the source?

My position on the source is that cash for blood should be incentivised. It can help some people get back on their feet if they are in a rough spot financially, and on top of people purely wanting to volunteer, cash for blood helps attract more people to the

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  • List and explain at least 3 reasons for your position on the source. For example, think of the implications or consequences of the statement for society as a whole. How will it help/ society? How will it help the individual?                                            
  1. We should reject/embrace the perspective of the source because…
  • We should reject/embrace the perspective of the source because…
  • We should reject/embrace the perspective of the source because…
  • ANALYSIS OF SOURCE, I chose Source # ___                                                        

In your own words, what does the source say? What is the key point of the source? Based on the statement, what beliefs or values are inherent or implied by this statement? What are the logical outcomes of this point of view for society? (This is repeated to make sure students actually address the source in planning and construction of their essay)

Include EVIDENCE/EXAMPLES to SUPPORT ARGUMENTS & DEFEND POSITION. Use the reference links provided on the course web page 1.3.11 to find relevant evidence that supports your arguments.                                                                                      

  1. Pair an example to support your first argument in #4a (previous question). Do some research to find facts (statistics, events, and reports) that support your 4a) argument.
    1. If you do not have one lengthy story or example, consider including 2 or 3 facts/events to support your argument.
    1. Include web link or source used below.
    1. In point form, list this evidence/example below.

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  • Now look for facts/evidence that supports your second reason or argument you listed in #4.
    • If you do not have one lengthy story or example, consider including 2 or 3 facts/events to support your argument.
    • Include web link or source used below.
    • In point form, list this evidence/example below

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  • Now look for facts/evidence that supports your third reason/argument you listed in #4.
  • If you do not have one lengthy story or example, consider including 2 or 3 facts/events to support your argument.
  • Include web link or source used below.
  • In point form, list this evidence/example below

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Part Three: Construct the Position Paper                                                                            30 marks


To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspective(s) reflected in the source?

Write a written response in which you must:

  • Analyze the source and demonstrate an understanding of the ideological perspective(s) reflected in the source (#1 and 2 in Part Two Planning).
  • Establish and argue a position in response to the question presented (#3-4 in Part Two Planning).
  • Support your position and arguments by using evidence from your knowledge and understanding of social studies (Use #5 in Part Two Planning).
  • Explain the significance of your position/argumentation to communicate how it affects both individuals and collectives/society as whole

Organize your response into a minimum of 5 paragraphs from your planning on previous pages.

  1. Introductory Paragraph – Type up #1 and 2 from your planning.
  1. Paragraph 2: Clearly state your position on the assignment question and explain why. This is based on the assignment question, WHICH WILL ALWAYS BE THE SAME FOR SOCIAL 30-1 POSITION PAPER ESSAYS… ‘to what extent should we (as a society) embrace the ideological perspective (what the source believes) in the source?

Some students find it easier to include this in the first paragraph. That is fine as long as your first paragraph is not a page long. Otherwise, create a second paragraph.

  1. Paragraph 3, explain your first argument 4a) from your planning and use supporting evidence 5a) to support your position on the source. At the end of this paragraph, write a transition sentence that explains how this evidence relates back to the source.

As this example (specifically state) demonstrates, we should (not) embrace the source because…

  1. Paragraph 4, explain your first argument 4b) from your planning and use supporting evidence 5b) to support your position on the source. At the end of this paragraph, write a transition sentence that explains how this evidence relates back to the source.

As this example (specifically state) demonstrates, we should (not) embrace the source because…

  1. Paragraph 5, explain your first argument 4a) from your planning and use supporting evidence 5a) to support your position on the source. At the end of this paragraph, write a transition sentence that explains how this evidence relates back to the source.

As this example (specifically state) demonstrates, we should (not) embrace the source because…

  1. Concluding paragraph, summarize your answer to the assignment question, whether you embrace or reject the source. Tell the reader why your arguments should be considered superior to the alternative position.
  • Proofread your response based on the criteria in the following rubric.
Write your polished written response here.                                                                                                                    

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