Frohlichstein, T. (2003). Follow me: Message maps lead the way to better media interviews. Public Relations Tactics, 10(5), 20-21. Retrieved from

Now develop your response for a crisis or risk situation in your organization or field. Identify the stakeholders who will receive the messages, potential stakeholder questions and concerns, key messages, and supporting facts. Explain the best course of action when previous communications have been misunderstood or when communications are interrupted. Within your homework assignment, integrate a message map matrix like the one that is mentioned in the Frohlichstein (2003) article.

Please begin your homework assignment with an introduction. The title page and reference page are not included in the minimum two-page (500 word) requirement. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing sources are to be followed. Your paper must contain at least two references.

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