Answer the following:

1.         Name and label the major structures of the respiratory system on a diagram.

            2.         List the signs of adequate breathing.

            3.         List the signs of inadequate breathing.

            4.         Describe the steps in performing the head-tilt, chin-lift.

            5.         Relate mechanism of injury to opening the airway.

            6.         Describe the steps in performing the jaw thrust.

7.         State the importance of having a suction unit ready for immediate use when providing emergency care.

            8.         Describe the techniques of suctioning.

9.         Describe how to artificially ventilate a patient with a pocket mask.

            10.       Describe the steps in performing the skill of artificially

ventilating a patient with a bag-valve mask while using the jaw thrust.

            11.       List the parts of a bag-valve-mask system.

            12.       Describe the steps in performing the skill of artificially

ventilating a patient with a bag-valve mask for one and two rescuers.

13.       Describe the signs of adequate artificial ventilation using a bag- valve mask.

14.       Describe the signs of inadequate artificial ventilation using a bag-valve mask.

15.       Describe the steps in artificially ventilating a patient with a flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device.

16.       List the steps in performing the actions taken when providing mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-stoma artificial ventilation.

            17.       Describe how to measure and insert an oropharyngeal (oral)


            18.       Describe how to measure and insert a nasopharyngeal (nasal)


            19.       Define the components of an oxygen delivery system.

            20.       Identify a nonrebreather face mask and state the oxygen flow

                        requirements needed for its use.

21.       Describe the indications for using a nasal cannula versus a

                        nonrebreather face mask.

22.       Identify a nasal cannula and state the flow requirements needed for its use.

23.       Explain the rationale for basic life support artificial ventilation and airway protective skills taking priority over most other basic life support


24.       Explain the rationale for providing adequate oxygenation through high-inspired oxygen concentrations to patients who, in the past, may have received low concentrations.


Complete the following lists.

1.         List five steps in determining whether a patient’s breathing is adequate.

2.         List at least ten signs of inadequate breathing. (Twelve are cited in your textbook.)

3.         List the four principal procedures used in treating life-threatening respiratory problems.

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