Students will submit a portfolio of all course assignments (with instructor feedback). Students
will present an 8-page assessment of their development over the course with regard to
ethics, social justice, and DEIPAR as they pertain to the three core areas in the DSW program:
advanced clinical practice, education/teaching, and leadership. Students will identify the specific
theories and approaches that have had an impact on their professional identities. Students will
present their practice philosophy
What theories and approaches impacted your professional identities?
• Present your practice philosophy
– What drives you as a social worker? Being able to make an impact in someone’s life. Going into a community to transform it into something great like having neighborhood gardening. Getting resources like social programs for young people. Teaching and educating about different life skills self-care, finances, scholarship, and job placement resume.
– What theories inform your practice?
– How would you describe yourself to others who “what do you do and how do you do it”? A retired military guy who serves his country with honors and is giving back to his community. Worked as associate pastor at my church with the youth department and with other things at the church and mentoring young people as a social worker while building a full-service community center that will help all people.
– What is the “why” behind your work? I believe that when I was growing up people invested in me so I want to make sure that I invest and pour back into the less fortunate
– How do social work ethics and values influence your practice philosophy
– How does the DEIPAR framework influence your practice philosophy?
• Develop a plan for ethically and socially just practice moving forward
– What is your plan for ongoing ethical self-assessment?
– What is your plan for the prevention of ethical violations?
– What is your plan for seeking supervision?
The portfolio will be evaluated based on the adherence to the assignment criteria, depth of reflection, quality and organization of writing and material presented.
Robinson, M.A., Cross-Denny, B., Kyeunghae Lee, K., Werkmeister Rozas, L.M. & Yamada,
A-M. (2016) Teaching note—Teaching intersectionality:
Transforming cultural competence content in social work education. Journal of Social
Work Education, 52(4), 509-517.
Brownlee, K., LeBlanc, H., Halverson, G., Piché, T., & Brazeau, J. (2019). Exploring
self-reflection in dual relationship decision-making. Journal of Social Work, 19(5),
Lynch, D. & Forde, C. (2016) ‘Moral distress’ and the beginning practitioner: Preparing
social work students for ethical and moral challenges in contemporary contexts, Ethics
and Social Welfare, 10(2), 94-107.
Oliver, C., Jones, E., Rayner, A., Penner, J., & Jamieson, A. (2017). Teaching social
work students to speak up. Social Work Education, 36(6), 702–714.
NASW Code of Ethics
Beddoe, L. (2019). Social work education: Shifting the focus from reflection to analysis:
Commentary on “Student reflections on vulnerability and self-awareness in a social work
skills course” (Blakemore & Agllias, 2018) and “Reflective practice, reflexivity, and critical
reflection in social work education in Australia” (Watts, 2018). Australian Social Work,
72(1), 105–108.
Appendix A