This assignment is to start the planning of a possible teaching event where YOU would be the instructor. First, you must select a problem area that you feel there is a need for instruction. You can pick ANY topic that you feel needs to be addressed. The SAME topic will be used for the remaining assignments in this course so choose a topic that you are really interested in.
Second, decide the topic of what you would teach about and identify your target audience. A target audience is WHO are you going to teach. Is there something going on at work that may benefit from some teaching? Or are you interested in a career in nursing education? For example, if you were an instructor for a class of CNAs, LPNs, or new RNs, what would be a topic to cover? Or is there another type of audience that you wish to teach them about a topic that would benefit them? This could be a group of teens, veterans, seniors, or any other group. If they are in nursing, do they need to know how to perform a skill better or provide care for patients on a specific unit? If the group is outside of nursing or in the general public, do they need information about nutrition, smoking cessation, diabetes, etc.?
For your BRIEF paper, you are going to write :
1. Problem and Topic: What is the chosen topic? And explain briefly why this is a problem that needs to be addressed.
2. Target Audience: Who is your target audience? Are they nurses or patients at a hospital or are they in the general public? What is their age group or age range?
3. Learning Objectives: Write TWO measurable behavior objectives (outcomes) for approval using the ABCD method (Bastable, p.429). Make sure they are also specific and measurable from SMART (Bastable, p. 432). Explain where your objectives fall on Bloom’s taxonomy. Review the Chapter on Behavioral Objectives and Teaching Plans in your textbook.
This document does NOT need a title page and only needs to be approximately 1-2 pages. Put your name at the top of the first page.
Submit below on a Word Document. Do not save as a pdf file. Do NOT email me your document. Save your document as Your LastNameFirstinitial_Target Problem. For example, SmithJ_Target Problem