5.2 Equity of Accountability Reform 1 page. 1 reference


In Ch. 1 of Charting Reform, Achieving Equity in a Diverse Nation, the author discusses each of the following accountability reforms:  COPY will be provided.

  • ESEA: Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994
  • ESEA: NCLB Act of 2001
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
  • Race to the Top of 2010
  • School Improvement Grants of 2010
  • ESEA: Flexibility Waiver of 2011

evaluate the effectiveness of one of the reform movements discussed in the reading. Individual accountability reform assignments will be posted by your instructor.

Write a 1 page-word evaluation of your assigned accountability reform that includes the following Provide specific examples to support your answers:

  • A brief description of the reform and what led to its creation
  • The results of the reform and its impact on nationwide education
  • An evaluation of the effectiveness of the reform based on the results

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