Week 5

5.1 Common Core Position Analysis 2 page paper and chart

Imagine that you are a new educational leader in a school district with a diverse student enrollment. You have researched the school district and community and are aware that there are conflicting opinions among educators, parents, and the school board regarding implementation of the Common Core Standards. You have been asked to develop an analysis paper that discusses whether the Common Core Standards should be implemented within your district.

Research the following aspects of the Common Core Standards:

  • Strengths of the Common Core Standards in addressing english/language arts (ELA) and math concepts
  • Weaknesses of the Common Core Standards in addressing ELA and math concepts
  • Methods of implementing the Common Core Standards across the U.S.
  • The success or failure of Common Core Standards implementation plans across the U.S.

Write a 2 page analysis paper that includes the following:

  • A comparison of the general arguments in support of and against implementation of the Common Core Standards
  • A visual chart comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation or non-implementation of Common Core Standards.
  • Evidentiary support for your implementation plan
  • How Common Core Standards implementation or non-implementation will affect underserved student populations
Common Core Implementation Analysis
StrengthsWeaknessesEnhanced Opportunities for Student Learning

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