Subject: Suggestion to Streamline the Internal Workplace Communication

Purpose and Background

ABC, Inc. remains dedicated to offering the employees and clients the best experience through the advancement of the overall internal communication within the workplace. In our efforts to streamline internal workplace communication, I would like to highlight a recent event that emphasized the need to change the communication system to ensure flawless communication with our consumer base. Recently, one of our esteemed customers, Sara Robins, contacted the organization due to the clarity issues with the Printable shipments and missing packages. The incidence trigged the analysis of ABC, Inc. internal communication to ascertain whether the error had been detected before the customer received an unfulfilled order. As a result, it was ascertained that an internal email was sent to the Shipping Department, but it went straight to the manager’s junk box. Currently, ABC, Inc. uses internal emails to communicate essential details and relay messages to employees in different departments. However, with the constant communication breakdown, it is essential to streamline the internal communication process to determine any underlying issues affecting the delivery of customer needs. It will also avoid inter-departmental conflicts and ensure that clients receive the exact orders they place from the organization. Flawless internal communication will also ensure that all employees receive and read all internal messages and take the actions required by the organization (Men & Yue, 2019). Hence, the memo emphasizes the need to maintain effective internal communication to ensure clarity and employee engagement within the management and employee chain.


Workforce demographics endure constant changes, and there is a need to maintain effective internal communication channels. The system delineates the work roles of the employees and effective sharing of information electronically through essential company platforms. An internal communication plan also acts as a roadmap that motivates all employees to analyze all internal messages and take effective action through sharing information (Karanges et al., 2015). The intervention will also focus on avoiding the issue affecting clients, such as Sara Robins, by ensuring that internal communication is assessed before products and services are delivered to consumers. As a result, it is recommendable that internal emails are professional emails that improve email deliverability within different departments. Various employees also constantly fail to open or read emails that are not directed to them individually or in the departments. It can also be infuriating to receive repetitive alerts, especially if employees are focused on their tasks and many are compelled to “reply to all” without certainty that the information will be received or acknowledged in various departments. Moreover, rather than relying on internal emails, ABC. Inc, can also capitalize on other messaging apps such as WhatsApp. The messaging app has developed as one of the most effective go-to messaging apps that allow fast, simple and convenient communication within a workplace (Kholisoh & Sulastri, 2017). The apps will allow the communication of prompt organizational updates and issues affecting the shipment of products in the organization. However, the app will only be utilized for the management of tasks that need immediate intervention across different departments and by a large group of employees. Altogether, various digital tools for internal communication are essential to ensure employee engagement and reduce overlooked messages in ABC, Inc.


Understanding the effective communication between managers and co-workers in a distributed workplace environment is determined by the organizational culture. A work team encompasses distinct and intricate individuals with varying communication styles and preferences that can result in unhealthy communication habits and poor employee engagement. The changes in internal messaging will improve ABC, Inc.’s communication by ensuring the cohesiveness of information relayed from the management to employees across all departments. As a way of avoiding communication limitations, internal emails need to be used for defined and pre-determined communications only to avoid breakdowns that limit the delivery of the precise products or services. All employees will also be updated on the policy changes, organizational restructuring, and new products within an organization. Additionally, WhatsApp ensures a two-way communication as employees have an opportunity of receiving and respond to real-time messages (Kholisoh & Sulastri, 2017). The interaction ensures that all employees are constantly engaged and cannot miss important organizational communication. All employees will have a defined schedule that defines their response time expectations and improves their ability to execute their assigned roles. The internal communication will also focus on delivering the appropriate message to the relevant individuals as employees can connect and remain updated with relevant communication. The presence of a clear roadmap ensures that all employees have a clear reference point that strengthens the confidence to make decisions and execute their roles. Altogether, flawless internal communication ensures that employees avoid information overload as messages are pre-sent to the precise individuals and departments. In return, ABC, Inc. clients can benefit from the transformative changes in internal communication as their services or products are based on their specifications.


Karanges, E., Johnston, K., Beatson, A., & Lings, I. (2015). The influence of internal communication on employee engagement: A pilot study. Public Relations Review41(1), 129-131.

Kholisoh, N., & Sulastri, R. (2017). New media technology in developing effective organizational internal communication. Humaniora8(1), 21-29.

Men, L. R., & Yue, C. A. (2019). Creating a positive emotional culture: Effect of internal communication and impact on employee supportive behaviors. Public Relations Review45(3), 1-43.

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