Assess and evaluate the cultural awareness and competence as well as the knowledge of globalization processes.

The final paper includes the following key components:

  • Historical overview and theoretical foundation for globalization
  • Strategic vision of your own participation in the globalization process
  • Reflection of your individual cultural competencies and understanding of diverse cultural environments


Conducting your own outside research, write an individual paper of 6 to 8 pages (1500 to 2500 words) in APA format that answers the following:

  • First, provide a historical overview and theoretical foundation for globalization. How does globalization affect your everyday life?
  • Select a single aspect of globalization we studied in this course (multiculturalism; securitization of migration; cultural paradigms; conflict/assimilation/hybridization; populism, nationalism, internationalism, economic interdependence) that you consider as most important. Discuss its influence on your immediate surroundings and include specific examples in your paper.
  • Next, include a strategic vision of your own participation in the globalization processes you could personally take regarding a specific problem or situation in your community or political unit.
  • Analyze three dimensions of globalization we covered in class: regional, human, and cultural. Which one of them do you consider as the most significant for you and why? Include specific examples in your paper.
  • Finally, conclude the paper with a summary and reflection of your individual cultural competencies. How has your understanding of diverse cultural environments changed?


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