Research, review, and discuss a public health policy or law of your interest and the impact it has on advancing health equity.

Content of Paper Points

  1. Introduction: There is often much political debate around public health laws, policies and other regulations. Begin by making a general statement about the case for creating public health laws and policies. In essence explain when and why these are necessary (or not necessary). 3
  2. Public Health Laws and Policies:
    a. Distinguish between the two (law vs policy)
    b. What role do federal and state health agencies have in public health law?
    c. Explain why it could be difficult to turn some policies/regulations into laws. 5
  3. Health in all Policies:
    a. What is the framework upon which this concept is built? (Think about social determinants of health)
    b. Briefly discuss the value and any drawbacks, if any, for this idea of health in all policies.
    c. Give an example of how can the principle of health in all policies be made evident in the construction of a new housing development i.e. building codes and requirements for healthy housing; sidewalks, greenways, play areas, etc. The example you give should be relevant to the particular policy you decide to research.
  4. Identify the Public health law or policy you have chosen to research.
    a. Discuss the development, benefits, drawbacks, and the impact on the health of the public and the advancement of health equity.
    b. How does the law or policy impact private health care organizations?
    (Some of the public health issues addressed through laws and policies are: building codes, vaccination, tobacco control, health information privacy, motor vehicle safety, food safety, reproductive health, health reform, environmental health, occupational health, preventive health, pollution, and others.) 10
  5. Conclusion: Summarize and make a strong final statement. 2
    Total Points 25
    Poor grammar & writing mechanics
    Poor clarity of sentences and paragraphs, organization and coherence of ideas, fluency, sequencing, spelling, grammar, and general use of English -2
    Inadequate citations or poor use of references -2
    Plagiarism -10

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