

For this assignment, you will reflect on your discussion posts (from Week 2 and Week 5), and also reflect on the course as a whole. This will be your opportunity to take one of your two discussions, and analyze it within the course as a whole, reflecting on what you have learned along the way. You will be asked a series of questions about your chosen post that will allow you to critically analyze your own work.


As with the first assignment, the structure for this paper is highly prescribed, in order to keep you focussed. This time, each section will be devoted to a particular question you must answer, and each section should be devoted approximately 150 words (not including the Preamble which does not count toward the word limit). Please clearly label each section in your paper.

  1. PREAMBLE: You will cut and paste your favourite initial post from either Week 2 or Week 5. This does NOT count toward the page or word count!
  2. Section 1: What was your post about, and why did you find this one more interesting than the other, i.e. why did you pick this post over the other? 
  3. Section 2: What course ideas are animating your post, and why do you think these course ideas were the ones you focussed upon when writing the initial post for the discussion boards?
  4. Section 3: Assess your use of course concepts and terminology. Knowing what you know now, do you think you are effectively using course concepts and terminology?
  5. Section 4: What would you add to your post, now that the course is complete? (Related questions: Is there a related issue you wish you had brought into focus? Are there course concepts or theories you wish you had applied, or a course reading you wish you had connected to your initial post?) 


This assignment is meant to have you reflect on your work within the context of the course as a whole, now that we are finished all 6 lessons. To this end, it has a number of subordinate purposes:

  1. Critical assessment of your previous work (Discussions from Weeks 2 and 5).
  2. Critical reflection upon your writing, and how you might improve it in light of other things you have learned in the course.
  3. Make further connections to other course concepts, some of which you won’t have had the chance to address at the time of your initial post.
  4. Reflect on the course as a whole by looking at an important component of this course: your contributions to the asynchronous discussions.

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