Format and Style -Essays should follow the following formatting guidelines:, Font: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: double-spaced, Margins: 1-inch, Page Numbers: lower right corner, Title Page: centered on page 1, underlined, size 12 font

I was born and raised in Washington Heights, NYC. My parents are from the Dominican Republic, my mother and father were the first to migrate from the country. I am the youngest of four and was raised by a single mother. I grew up very family oriented, with my two older brothers acting as my male role model. One of them was into sports, so I ended up playing a lot of basketball and the other brother loved gaming and technology, so I have a little bit from both.

Why Human Services For You?

Well you are currently taking an Introduction into Human Services course at Bronx Community College! But you already knew that! So we are going to be spending plenty of time together throughout the semester.

As a result, tell me a little bit about yourself?

Name a time you have helped someone in need? How did you help them?  How did that make you feel? Would you have done anything differently? What was the overall lesson that you learned?


Next, try to evaluate your own potential to effectively provide Human Services to people who are in need. …..In this, you will identify and discuss personal attitudes, values, behaviors, and experiences that can hurt or enhance your ability to do Human Services Work.  Please Answer the following below:

1.) What personal qualities or characteristics might hurt your ability to be an effective Human Service Worker in the field of human services?

2.) What experiences might contribute to your risk for traumatization or when helping clients?

3.) What feelings and expectations might increase your risk for burnout?

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