Imagine that you are the President of the United States. The GDP in the country has decreased for the past 7 quarters (21 months). Unemployment has reached 10%. Businesses are failing. Banks are hesitant to lend any money. Gas prices have increased to $4.25 a gallon. Inflation is out of control. What do you do?

Your job is two create a plan to rescue the country from this recession/depression. As president your advisors have given you a list of 10 possible solutions to end the recession. You must pick at least 2 solutions.


  1.  2 paragraphs
  2. 3 positives for each of your solutions
  3. 1 negative for each of the solutions
  4. Explanation of how this will help the American Economy
  5. Explanation of how your plan will instill faith in the American people

  1. “Direct Stimulus Payments to Citizens” (government expenditure) (money into the economy)
  1. “Infrastructure as an Automatic Stabilizer” (government expenditure)(money into the economy)
  1. Increased Unemployment Insurance (government expenditure)(money into the economy)
  1. Increasing Funding for The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (TANF) (government expenditure)(money into the economy)
  1. Lowering Interest Rates on loans for new homes (money into the economy)
  1. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (government expenditure)
  1. Print more money(inflation)(money into the economy)
  1. Increase taxes on the wealthy -(top 5%), (Increase tax revenue)
    1. Decrease taxes on the lowest 50% of the economy. (loss of tax revenue, put money into the economy)
  1. Tax luxury items at a higher rated (Increase tax revenue)
  1. Lower gas prices by presidential decree to $2.50. Subsidize oil companies to drill and operate more wells in the United States.

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