
You are employed at a community center in your county (or a county of your choice), and the center is putting on a wellness fair. You have been asked to create a wellness fair proposal to present on a specific health behavior at the fair. Your proposal must highlight a specific health behavior and describe actions the community center will take to promote wellness related to the behavior. If your proposal is approved, your recommendations will be implemented by the center, and you will then create a team to assist you in developing a wellness fair booth that educates the community on the health behavior, as well as the community center’s actions to address the behavior. 


You have been asked to create a proposal to present on a specific health behavior at the community center’s wellness fair. In your proposal, you will identify a specific health behavior as the focus of your proposal and conduct a health behavior analysis. You will then create recommendations for how the community center can promote wellness related to the specific health behavior.

Specifically, you must address the following:

  • Health Behavior Analysis: As the first piece of your proposal, conduct a health behavior analysis. To begin, research your specific county using the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website. Find your state through the search bar or the clickable map. Then click the Rankings tab and select your specific county. As you conduct your health behavior analysis, address the following:
  • Describe the demographics of the county, and explain how these demographics might impact access to healthcare.

    Tip: There is a County Demographics tab at the top of the page, and you may need to click the plus button to expand the section.  Here is the County selected :

    As you explain the impact of the demographics on access to healthcare, you might consider the disparities that exist in the county, or the determinants of health that might impact access to care.
  • For the focus of your proposal, select a health behavior that is impacting the county. Use data to support the reasoning for your selection. For example, you might consider how the issue is ranked in the county in comparison with other counties.
  • Describe the current programs and initiatives in place to address the selected health behavior. These programs and initiatives might be at the county, state, or federal level.

    Tip: To help you research, you might use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, your local health department, or the public health nonprofit organizations in your area.
  • Determine where your county falls on the illness-wellness continuum and support your response with research. As you make your determination, you might consider factors such as healthcare access, demographics, and current programs and initiatives in place.
  • Community Recommendations: Now that you have conducted a health behavior analysis, create recommendations for how the community center can improve wellness related to the specific health behavior. As you develop your community recommendations, address the following:
  • Recommend actions the community center can take to promote wellness related to your identified health behavior. At this point, imagine that elements such as budget and time are not obstacles. As you develop your recommendations, consider the following:
  • Are there limitations in how the current programs and initiatives address the health behavior?
  • Are there improvements that can be made to the current programs and initiatives to ensure that they address the needs of the community?
  • Are there any additional programs, initiatives, or policies that should be created to assist in promoting wellness related to the health behavior?
  • How will you inform the public of new resources available to them, or increase awareness of current programs and initiatives?
  • Explain how the recommendations support wellness standards and increase the county’s wellness rating on the illness-wellness continuum. In your explanation, you might consider wellness standards such as Healthy People 2020.

What to Submit 

Wellness Fair Proposal
Develop a proposal in which you analyze a specific health behavior and create community recommendations to improve wellness. Your proposal must be 750 to 1,250 words in length and must cite any and all references appropriately.

Supporting Materials

Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld. (2010). Impact of Demographics on Health and Healthcare : Race, Ethnicity and Other Social Factors: Vol. 1st ed. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.  This website from the CDC Foundation provides a list of the numerous public health programs. You can search the programs using keywords, sort the programs by initiative, or browse through all programs. Take some time to search the programs and their focus on various health initiatives.  This resource from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) describes an organization’s responsibility to promote public wellness by supporting various health initiatives in the United States. The resource lists a variety of health initiatives and provides additional information on the various programs associated with each initiative. Take some time to review these various initiatives and associated programs, specifically focusing on the National Wellness Initiatives and Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. This resource from the World Health Organization provides a list of health topics. Select a variety of health topics and review the related information resources, current programs and initiatives, and fact sheets.  This resource provides an overview of the illness-wellness continuum, describes the history of the concept, and describes the limitations of the tool. Note: If you need a text version of the image in the reading, use the Alternative Text for Image document.  Chapters1-3 This resource from the CDC describes the elements of the policy process, detailing the purpose of each domain, as well as the actions that must be taken to complete each domain. Note: If you need a text version of the image in the reading, use the Alternative Text for Image document.  Read Section 1 of this resource, which provides a background of the Health in All Policies initiative. In addition, the resource explains why the efforts of the organization are important, specifically explaining the impact of various social determinants on health and equity. Finally, the resource explains what a healthy community is and describes the five elements of the organization’s mission. Note: If you need a text version of Figure 1 in the reading, use the Alternative Text for Image document.

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