This homework covers material found in the Prologue, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 of your textbook.

Instructions:  Please answer each of the following questions. Please be sure that you show full solutions to arithmetic problems (just showing answers will result in no credit). Short answer questions should be answered in complete sentences. Watch your positive/negative signs. You must show the correct units of your answer!

  1. Cheetahs can reach a top speed of 34 m/s (about 76 mph). Suppose a stretch of land in the savanna is 130 m long. If a cheetah reaches its top speed (starting at rest) within that entire stretch, what is the rate of acceleration? Assume acceleration is constant and the cheetah is running in a straight line (towards some unsuspecting prey?). (10 points)
  • You launch a cannonball at an angle of 45° and an initial velocity of 40 m/s (assume yi = yf = 0 meters). Calculate the time the cannonball spent in the air. Assume no air resistance and that the cannonball is launched on Earth (g = -9.81 m/s2). (10 points)

3.   Using your answer from #2, how far did the cannonball travel? (10 points)

4.  A 100 kg box is pushed on a linoleum floor with an acceleration of 1.5 m/s2. The force of kinetic (moving) friction between the box and the floor is 32 N. What is the net force acting on the box? (10 points)

5.   What is the force acting on a 1500 kg car that is driving around a circle of radius 40 m at a constant linear velocity of 12 m/s? (10 points)

6.   If two 1000 kg trucks are sitting 20 meters apart, what happens to the gravitational force if the trucks are moved to 40 meters apart? What if, instead of moving the trucks, one of the trucks was 2000 kg instead? How would that affect the gravitational force? (10 points)

7.   What is the average speed of cat that runs 15 m in 2.5 seconds? (10 points)

8.  Which has greater inertia: the Sun or the Earth? Which exerts a greater gravitational force: the Earth on the Sun or the Sun on the Earth? (10 points)

9.   What happens to the period of a pendulum if the frequency is doubled? (10 points)

10.   How long would it take a car to reach 50 mph (22.35 m/s) from rest if it accelerates at a rate of 2.8 m/s2? (10 points)

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