As a nurse engaged in advanced practice, you are likely to find that discussing findings of an evidence-based project with your mentors and colleagues can expand your awareness of the implications.

Continue to discuss relevant evidence-based project outcomes with individuals in your practicum setting. Ask what implications they would draw from the findings, and what insights they can share from other projects that may relate to your project outcomes.

In addition, discuss your Post-Graduation Plan for professional growth and development with individuals in your practicum setting. Ask for advice on developing skills or expanding your areas of expertise throughout your career. (PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR TIME LOG WITH THE PRACTICUM)

Submit your time log and a journal entry for your practicum experiences:

Example Time Log:

Time Log

List the objective(s) met and briefly describe the activities you completed during each time period. If you are not on-site for a specific week, enter “Not on site” for that week in the Total Hours for This Time Frame column. Journal entries are due in Weeks 3, 7, and 11; include your Time Log with all hours logged (for current and previous weeks) each time you submit a journal entry.

You are encouraged to complete your practicum hours on a regular schedule, so you will complete the required hours

Practicum Experience

Time Log

Time Log
Week  DatesTimes  Total Hours for This
Time Frame
Activities/CommentsLearning Objective(s) Addressed
15/31, 6/1, 6/28am-4pm24Engaged in ongoing staff orientation as well as to gain insight on the challenges and protocols in the urgent care setting. Continued to work with administration on developing a plan to ensure that patient education has improved and continue to learn student expectations.    To explain how the promotion of health and well-being can be integrated into urgent care settings.   To gain an initial understanding of the host facility and its theoretical and/or practical needs.
26/7, 6/8, 6/98am-4pm24Engaged in meetings with health administrations about their views of the healthcare sector and the growing use of urgent care facilities to provide emergency services and preventive care.To discuss the affordability and accessibility of urgent care centers through the dissemination of research.  
36/14, 6/15, 6/168am-4pm24With the assistance of my preceptor; researched the growth of the urgent care discipline within nursing and the benefits the subarea has for the larger population.To understand and gain knowledge of the specific challenges that urgent care may face today. As well as learning the needs of the population in this setting. For instance, Behavioral health services    
4   Not on siteNot on site

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