
  1. Write a paper about counselling a specific ethnic or cultural group that is clearly identified in the literature as a cultural group.  Your paper should be approximately eight (8) double-spaced pages long (or approximately 2000 words, +/- 100 words), excluding the cover page and the reference list. Please provide at least eight (9) recent (last 7 years), peer-reviewed sources. Remember that the course textbooks are not peer-reviewed sources.
  2. Title the report “Counselling Syrian Refugees in Canada,”                                             

Note. You must include Canada or Canadian in the title


  • Required components: Title page and reference page(s)
  • Length of Assignment: The text body of paper (i.e., not including references and title page; do NOT include an abstract) should consist of approximately 2000 (+/- 100) words, (Times New Roman font size: 12)
  • Format: Please, format your assignment in Word (files with extension .doc or .docx)
  • References: Please provide at least eight (9) recent (last 7 years, currently 2015-2022), peer-reviewed sources. Remember that the course textbooks are not peer-reviewed sources.


Any sources used to support your Written Narrative should, of course, be cited using correct APA format.


The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing your assignment, and how the professor will weigh these components relative to one another.

teria% of Assignment Grade
1. Appropriateness and relevance of the topic selected10
2. Originality and substance (not a mere rehashing of textbook information) 40
3. Quality of research, as reflected in the breadth and appropriateness of referenced research sources35
4. Clear organization/structure as reflected in a logical division of material into sections and subsections 5
5. Clarity, writing style, and (Canadian English) spelling/5
6. APA format

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