The alarming opioid crisis, with its staggering death rates, is affecting the life expectancy rates of Americans. Select one of the populations on the map (illinois state: Opioid-Related Overdose Death Rates (per 100,000 people) (2016): 15.30

  • Opioid Pain Reliever Prescriptions (per 100 persons) (2015): 60.00

 and address the following:

  • Compare the opioid-related overdose death rates of the selected population to national opioid-related overdose death rates.
  • Identify one primary, one secondary, and one tertiary prevention intervention to reduce the misuse of opioids in the selected population.
  • Describe one evidence-based strategy to address provider opioid prescription rates.
  • Identify the stakeholders charged with addressing the opioid crisis in your community.
  • Share your professional experience related to the topic.

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