Template for health promotion material critique:

Individual assignment – Find a health promotion brochure or item of patient education material focused on health promotion, in any format; printed handout, brochure, video, etc; from the workplace or anywhere accessible to the public, i.e. doctor’s office, supermarket, pharmacy, etc., critique it related to cultural/linguistic inclusion, and make recommendations for how to improve it.

Review the literature on patient education materials, such as, what should be included, what level of language should be used, etc. For example, what was the target audience, school-age children, adolescents, pregnant teens, geriatrics, etc.? 

What was the font size?
Are there diagrams?
What about the visual-impaired or if a video, the hearing impaired?
Are there words used that could be considered offensive to some cultures? 
Is it available in more than one language? 
Is there contact information for further information? Etc., etc. 

Include at least 3 professional peer-reviewed sources that you reviewed and cite those sources within your answers. Cite the source that you use to verify that the information that is presented is correct. Support your work with current credible evidence, not merely your own opinion. Provides 3 scholarly references in APA including at least 2 peer reviewed scholarly journals.  The remaining references should be a scholarly web site or book.

The following web link is for the federal regulation that addresses monitoring compliance with Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/09/24/2013-23164/national-standards-for-culturally-and-linguistically-appropriate-services-clas-in-health-and-health

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