Week 3 journal

  1. Review the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students. What insights did you gain about the expectations for students with regard to technology? Which of these standards are you comfortable integrating into your teaching and in which standard areas might need additional a support? 
  2. After reviewing the ISTE standard regarding Digital Citizens and reading the article on Digital Literacy from CommonSense.org what is the difference between Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship and how might you promote both of these concepts in your classroom?
  3. Teachers need to adhere to copyright laws and fair use guidelines when using technology in the classroom. Review Education World’s Copyright Series and examine the copyright laws and fair use guidelines. What insights did you gain about each of these topics?

The Educator’s Guide to Copyright and Fair Use | Education World

What is digital literacy? | Common Sense Media


Week 4 Journal

Using Technology to support the 4Cs-  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrEEVZa3f98

1.   Read  Burden and Byrd, Chapter 6 and view the “Student Centered Instructional Strategies” powerpoint in the “Learning Activities” folder. What do you see as some of the advantages and disadvantages to using student centered approaches? Which of the student centered approaches do you think would be appropriate for the grade level/subjects you plan on teaching? Why?

2.   View the video “How to Teach Math as a Social Activity.” Describe what the teacher does to prepare his students to work in cooperative groups.

3.    View the video on the 21st Century “Learning and Innovation Skills”. What are some examples of how technology can be used to support students’ development of the 4C’s

How to Teach Math as a Social Activity | Edutopia

Week 5 journal

  1. Read Burden and Byrd, Chapters 7 & 8 and view the “Engaging Students in Learning” powerpoint. From your own school experience which of the strategies described in Chapter 7 were most helpful in promoting your understanding of the content?
  2. After reading about managing parts of the lesson in Chapter 8 which aspects of the lesson do you feel most comfortable with and which aspects do you think will be difficult to implement?
  3. View the video entitled “Thinking Big About Student Engagement.” Which of the strategies that promote student understanding described in Chapter 7 were incorporated into the learning activity? Which strategies did you find most appealing? Why?

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