Following up on your innovation discussed in the Innovation-Development Process in week 2, take a look at the flip-side and discuss this innovation through the eyes of the potential adopter(s) and move through the stages of the Innovation-Decision Process – “the process through which an individual (or other decision-making unit passes from gaining initial knowledge of an innovation to forming an attitude toward the innovation, to making a decision to adopt or reject” (p. 168).
Discuss the following elements as outlined in the model on page 170:
- Prior conditions
- Previous practice
- Felt-needs/problems
- Innovativeness
- Norms of the social system
- Knowledge
- Type of knowledge
- Socioeconomic characteristics
- Personality variables
- Communication behavior
- Persuasion
- Discuss the perceived characteristics of the innovation (R.A., Complexity, Compatibility, Observability, & Trialability)
- Decision
- Did they adopt or reject the innovation?
- If some rejected the innovation, what type of rejection?
- Implementation
- Did reinvention occur? How much? Why?
- Confirmation
- What level of dissonance was present?
- Did discontinuance occur? Why?
What communication channels were utilized throughout each step in the process?
How long did this process take?