1. In your opinion, which of the authors (Rivera or Orr) does a better job of providing background information to help the readers who have not seen the movies they are evaluating understand their argument? Please explain how so.
  • In your opinion, which of the authors, Rivera or Orr, provided a better explanation of their criteria for the evaluation? Please explain how so.
  • In your opinion, which of the two evaluations (the one by Rivera or the one by Orr) makes a stronger claim? Please explain how so.
  • In your opinion, which of the authors (Rivera or Orr) better explained their warrants (the assumptions on which their argument is based)? Please explain how so.
  • In your opinion, which of the authors (Rivera or Orr) provided stronger, more convincing evidence to support their evaluation? Please provide an example of the evidence that you found particularly impressive and explain what made it so.
  • In your opinion, which of the evaluations (the one by Rivera or the one by Orr) was more engaging, interesting to read? Please explain what made it so.
  • In your opinion, which of the authors (Rivera or Orr) provides a more effective discussion of opposing views on the movie (in other words, a better rebuttal)? Please explain how so.
  • In your opinion, which of the authors (Rivera or Orr) provided better, more interesting, more detailed examples from the movies to illustrate their argument without overwhelming the reader with too much summary? Please explain how so.
  • In your opinion, whose conclusion (Rivera’s or Orr’s) was more effective? Please explain how so.
  1. Overall, which evaluation (Rivera’s or Orr’s) did you enjoy more? Why?

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