Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science is one theoretical framework used throughout the USU College of Nursing courses. The practice implication of Watson’s Human Caring Theory evolves our thinking and approaches to patient care from a mindset of carative (cure) to one of caritas (care). The core principles/practice are founded on a:

  • Practice of loving-kindness and equanimity
  • Authentic presence: enabling deep belief of other (patient, colleague, family, etc.)
  • Cultivation of one’s own spiritual practice toward wholeness of mind/body/spirit—beyond ego
  • “Being” the caring-healing environment
  • Allowing miracles (openness to the unexpected and inexplicable life events)

Select one of the core principles and discuss ways you might be able to apply the principle in guiding your advanced practice nursing practices.


Watson, J. (2021). Caring science & human caring theory. Watson Caring Science Institute.

Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing. Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing (


Length: 1 page or a minimum of 250 words

Citations: Two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

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