The video (Waiting for Superman)

  1. one source would be the movie.
  • Second source would be the book and I don’t have an online version, but maybe u can find the first chapter somewhere.

Scully, P.A., Stites, M.L., Roberts-King, H.,&  Barbour, C., (2019). Families, Schools, and Communities: Building Partnerships for educating children. 7th THz Edition Only. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall

The video (Waiting for Superman)

Each response should have at least 200 words in the response. In addition to referencing the documentary in your response to each question;  Use your personal, textbook or occupational knowledge to assist you in your response.

1.  What does Superman symbolize in the film?What does the title mean to you?

2. What are some of the personal and social issues students face that interfere with learning?

What are some factors that impact how successful students will be in school?

3. According to the filmmaker, what is the relationship between the amount of money spent per student and reading/math scores.

4. What makes school a ‘dropout factory”. Do you think the blame should be put on the school, families, community? Explain.

5. Who do you recommend to see this film? Why ?

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