All of you have experienced various aspects of higher education as well as various institutional types and the issues that they face. Based on your own experiences, what trend or issue concerns you most?

Step 1: 

Please post a response to the question above using the following prompts to guide you: [Note to the writer: You already know my background and you can be as creative as you want in answering with these question]

  • What trend or issue that you have read about or experienced concerns you the most?
  • What has been your experience with this trend or issue?
  • What are some of the facts or circumstances surrounding this issue? (Feel free to use sources to answer this question)
  • Why does this particular trend or issue concern you?
  • Has this trend or issue impacted you personally, if so, how? 
  • How would you explain the impact of this trend or issue to your supervisor? 

Step 2: 

Post your response in the discussion area below by clicking “reply.” Responses should be between 100-200 words.

Discussion Expectations:

Please provide comprehensive responses and keep comments focused on the discussion topic. To receive full credit, postings need to be thoughtful; that is, they need to address the topic at hand, and include personal related experiences, references to the readings, relevant issues in the news, or information obtained from other sources.

W7 Discussion Question 1
Trends and Issues facing Christian Higher Education

Step 1: 

Research scholarly and trade publications and the CCCU website about specific trends and issues facing Christian Higher Education. Pick one of the trends and issues that you find and construct a 200-250 word post summarizing the trend or issue for your classmates. Check out the CCCU website, particularly the News and Publications tab, and the Advocacy tab.

Step 2: 

Create a post for your class in which you do the following:

  • Cite the article appropriately in APA style.
  • Include the permalink for the article you selected.
  • Briefly summarize the content of the article.
  • Make a statement as to how this trend or issue is related to the broader concepts that you read about in this module. 

Discussion Expectations:

Please provide comprehensive responses and keep comments focused on the discussion topic. To receive full credit, postings need to be thoughtful; that is, they need to address the topic at hand, and include personal related experiences, references to the readings, relevant issues in the news, or information obtained from other sources.**********************************************

[Note to writer: These are the books required for the entire course. To see this week’s needed readings for the assignment, look at below at the Required Readings for this week]


Required Readings

Required Resources

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Education and The Wall Street Journal.

Recommended Readings:

  • Timothy W. H., Tehaken, K.D., Adderley, H.M & Morris, M.K. (2017). A Faith for the Generations: How Collegiate Experience Impacts Faith. ACU Press: Abilene, Texas.

Recommended Resources:

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