Instructions for Discussion Question (DQ)
- Participation Requirement for grade:
- You are required to use two (2) scholarly references one (1) scholarly reference and the course textbook : Edmunds, M., & Mayhew, M. S. (2014). Pharmacology for the primary care provider (4th ed.). Mosby.(sorry I do not have a ebook to share, I have a hard copy that I got from amazon).
Answer the following questions:
- How is Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and Panic Disorder defined?
- What are the treatment principles for both disorders: evidence-based recommendations and Cardinal Points of Treatment?
- How should patients prescribed benzodiazepines be monitored?
- What should the clinician tell the patient prescribed benzodiazepines?
Textbook Animations, Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider (4th ed.):
Chapter 43 – Analgesia and Pain Management, Opiate receptors: LinkLinks to an external site.
Chapter 47 – Antidepressants, Dopamine Release: LinkLinks to an external site.
Web Links
National Pharmaceutical Council. Pain: Current understanding of assessment, management, and treatments. American Pain Society: LinkLinks to an external site.
American Pain Society: LinkLinks to an external site.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2017). AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse is a public resource for summaries of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines: LinkLinks to an external site.
FDA Human Drugs Page: LinkLinks to an external site.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: extensive discussion of interaction between food and different medications: LinkLinks to an external site.
RX List (Top 100 drugs): LinkLinks to an external site.
Up-to-Date: LinkLinks to an external site.