[Note to writer: This is a Discussion Post. Please make sure it is well written and all the points answered with references. Finally, please look at the RUBRIC to the grade allotment]

After familiarizing yourself with the various areas and job functions in Student Affairs, reflect on the times during your undergraduate college experience when you engaged with Student Affairs personnel or took advantage of services provided by them. Perhaps you were not even aware that the services that you used were provided by a Student Affairs department, or even that this department existed at all. Maybe you were really engaged with various Student Affairs functional areas, like in residence life or student government, or took advantage of career services to find a job or explore a future career. Maybe you were even a student worker or leader in one of these areas.

Post: Reflect on the nature of the experiences you had with Student Affairs during your undergraduate education. Explain how you felt about those experiences at the time. Has your opinion about these experiences changed since then? How were these experiences influential to your learning or personal development, if at all? [Note to writer: You can come up with the idea that fits for this discussion. But to give you some hints and you may want to incorporate it, the undergrad University that I went to had very minimal advising. We had very limited course selection and they tended to simply register us to whatever classes are needed to the program. It was more like arranged and scheduled type. So, if you end up missing a class or withdrawing a class, you generally will have hard time making the class and/or replacing with a similar one. You can add or modify in any way you want]

If you are not able to identify any previous experiences with Student Affairs, provide commentary about what you think you might have missed out on. Identify at least one functional area that you wished you had engaged with during your undergraduate education. Explain why you chose this area or how it would have helped your learning or personal development.

Use the APA style to format your in-text citations and references.

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