May be used with Chapter 16:  The Impacts of IT on Organizations, Individuals, and Society

Universal standards of ethical behavior are both impractical and unreasonable given the wide variations of behavior and practice seen in different cultures around the world. Examples of such universal standards cover the protection of individual rights and of intellectual property rights, freedom of speech and censorship, and access to online sources of information. The attempt by some Western businesses and governments to impose their values on other, less developed countries, is thus part of a conspiracy to create universal standards that are in fact no more than an extension of Western standards.

Discuss this statement in the light of the problems associated with the rights and duties of software developers and users. Try to develop a reasonable set of ethical principles that will help to protect the rights and enforce the duties of both software users and software developers.

TEXTBOOK: Introduction to Information Systems, 8th Edition

BY:  R. Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince

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