1. Using the second tab of the Excel Time Management Template, map out the time you expect to spend on work, family, school, community, sleep, and your free time for week of July 4th to 10th
  • Using the third tab of the Time Management Template, track the actual time you spent for week of July 11th to 17 on work, family, school, community, sleep, and your free time for the second week of the module.
  • Journal Entry

 Use the Time Management Templates for your journal entry and write 2 pages

  • How will you manage your time during your study?
  • What information do you feel is important for you to consider and think about as you work through this course?
  • reflect on your Time Management Plan in your journal entry and address the following:
  • What was your reaction when you viewed your schedule at the start of the module?
  • What surprised you most about your schedule?
  • Reflect on how you actually spent your time based on the spreadsheet you completed compared to your predicted time. 

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