The student will interview a forensic scientist trained in one of the disciplines covered in the course OR a forensic specialist/forensic technician responsible for processing major cases (i.e. homicide, suicide, automobile crash that results in fatalities, etc.). In this interview, the student will ask questions to gain further understanding of the scientific principles used in the field/lab work. The student, using basic APA style formatting, will compile this interview into a 2-3 page interview/essay format (such as a Q&A) for submission and grading. As this interview may be conducted in a “question/answer” type scenario, utilize a title page in basic APA style. Reference must be included in this interview on the field of work of the interviewee. Read the interviews submitted by two (2) other students. List two areas of their interview wherein you learned a new point of interest you did not know previously. Discuss with the students you selected why the two areas of interest you chose have relevance to you.

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