Class is US History to 1877 The readings are from Textbook Reading from: The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People by Brinkley. Chapter 10, 11 and 12. The last writer had access to book. While there are no specific word counts required, you will be graded according to how thorough and clear your responses are. We are looking for quality over quantity. For your initial response to the provided prompt, think critically about the question. Great if we could cite the book although I don’t think it is absolutely required, the instructions are as followed: While there are no specific word counts required, you will be graded according to how thorough and clear your responses are. We are looking for quality over quantity. For your initial response to the provided prompt, think critically about the question. Prompt: 
Many of the social tensions of the Early Republic were rooted in conflict between humane considerations and the desire for economic and political growth. Where can you see these tensions at work? Can you identify instances of successful resolution?

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