1. From the first e-Activity, discuss two governmental expenditures that you believe will have a significant impact on your local economy over the next year. Justify your response with examples. Discuss two major government programs that impact federal spending and whether any of the programs can be realistically cut. Justify your response with examples.

2.Government often grows to meet the demands of the citizenry and so does the cost associated with the growth. From the e-Activity about the “The U.S. Census Population and Projections”, analyze the population growth rate from 2010 through 2016 in your home state. Provide these figures in your response for each year. Explain why expansions are needed to meet the needs of society and how they are funded. These processes sometimes bring hard criticisms? Why?

3.”Life Cycle Costing” Please respond to the following:

From the first e-Activity, discuss at what point an administrator should decide when the product should be terminated during the life cycle analysis. Justify your response with reasons and an example.
Discuss two to three (2-3) actions an administrator should review consistently to alleviate over budgeting for operating and maintenance costs of a capital project.

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