The aim of this project is to design a two-storey4/5-bedroom detached family house plan in the UK with detailed based Technical design .

The Client:

The client is a young family, live to local area ,   that wish to create a new spacious family home for their two young children. Both parents commute to their professional jobs but also have a requirement of working from home a couple of days a week. They wish for the building to be of high specification internally with a modern design. Externally they do not have a preference on aesthetic appearance though there is a requirement for the building to respond to its context and surroundings.


  1. To investigate aesthetic and functional issues that affect the design of family homes.
  2. To formulate a proposal for the design of the house taking into consideration the client requirements as identified in the brief, as well as the unique features of the site.
  3. Client is keen on achieving a level of sustainability within the design, they would like to explore ideas that reduce the environment impact of the house and prolong its lifespan.
  4. To produce a set of drawings using various drawing and presentation techniques as outlined .

Following instructions including JPEG :-

  1. I have attached a file with the name of Things need to be done . Please follow this carefully to draw therequired things on plan .
  2. The file name of Main plot 885 meter square marked by the red is the main plot area . Please use this specific area for designing the plan and everything as required. Also you can see the surrounding area here very clearly.
  • The file name with the Site visit checklists shows the all considerable things to make the drawing. Please follow this.

Now i need those things in this work . My main requirements work are given below .

Requirements  Drawing :-  ( North point must be shown in the drawing)                                                                                                                                             

                                                                             Suggested Scale

Location plan                                                                   1:500                        

Site plan (showing site boundaries in red within the           1:200

surrounding area.

Floor Plans      (Ground and First )                                      1:100

Technical drawing with full details :

After doing the floor plan, Location plan  and site plan then i need Technical detailed based design on Ground floor and first floor .

  • Develop the existing drawings to RIBA Stage 4- Technical Design.
  • Typical Foundation Detail – Indicating the waterproofing between the Ground Floor build-up and Wall build-up
  • Typical First Floor Junction Detail
  • Typical External Wall build-up – Including all changes of materials dependant upon design.
  • 2D Detailed General Arrangement Plans (showing wall build-up). Scale 1:100
  • Show Brick , block , insulation , dab and plasterboard in the 2D plan . Calculate U-value of wall .18
  • Choose floor condition and draw.

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