Read the following article to undertake this assessment:

You are the financial advisor working within a company and a client approaches you to invest in The Convenience Shop Public Limited Company (PLC). Following a Know Your Customer (KYC) exercise, the following details emerged about the prospective investor.

You are requested by your manager to prepare a detailed report to aid the prospective investor to take an informed decision.

Section 1: Evaluate and recommend to the prospective investor whether he/she should invest in the above listed company. In order to undertake an informed decision, compare the financial product listed above with other possible products which may be found in the following link:

 (Note: take the share price at issue for Convenience PLC at €0.16 per Share, as per issue in the first link) (800 words)

Section 2: Recommend a financial plan to the investor for the next 5 years in-line with your evaluation undertaken in section 2. (300 words)

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