For this exam, you will analyze the facts provided (Vronsky v. Vronsky)  by applying the Indiana statute on custody orders and the three cases we have discussed in class that interpret that statute:  Hunsberger, Lang, and Clark.  Your paper will be an objective analysis (not persuasive) that will attempt to predict how a judge in the case would decide custody.  The work we do together as a class is designed to take you through the process of analyzing and writing your paper step-by-step, so investing your attention to our weekly class assignments will make the process much easier.

THE #1  will be similar to an in-class exam in terms of how you structure your answer.  For this exam, you will work on the following skills:

1. Critical thinking:  developing an argument and counter-argument that use all of the legally relevant facts’

2. Organization of ideas;

3. Writing skills, including grammar, clarity and usage;

4. Understanding how to interpret and apply statutes and judicial opinions.

Please consult the syllabus for instructions on formatting your answer.

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