CHS199 Practicum 1 CHS490 Capstone Field Experience  

Points: 100


You will analyze five videos for this assignment to gain insight into best practices in early childhood education by responding to reflection questions and comparing the videos.


  1. View the assigned videos multiple times to gain full benefit from the material.
  2. Take notes as you watch the videos to help you compose responses.
  3. Use full sentences to answer each question on the template thoroughly.
  4. Provide examples as needed to illustrate your responses.
  5. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and citation (for quotations).
  6. Submit the completed template using the submission link in the unit.
Arts Integration: Deepening Understanding of Core Content     
Summarize the purpose of the video.
Compare your thoughts on the topic to those expressed in the video.
Quote a statement, identify the source, and explain why you agree/disagree.
Describe two developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) observed in the video.
Describe how you would apply this knowledge in the classroom.
Bringing Core Content to Life with Outdoor Education  
Summarize the purpose of the video.
Compare your thoughts on the topic to those expressed in the video.
Quote a statement, identify the source, and explain why you agree/disagree.
Describe two developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) observed in the video.
Describe how you would apply this knowledge in the classroom.
Learning Problem Solving and Growth Mindset in a Makerspace           
Summarize the purpose of the video.
Compare your thoughts on the topic to those expressed in the video.
Select and cite a quote from the video and explain why you agree/disagree with it.
Describe two developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) observed in the video.
Describe how you would apply this knowledge in the classroom.
Daily A Public School Transitions to Montessori  
Summarize the purpose of the video.
Compare your thoughts on the topic to those expressed in the video.
Quote a statement, identify the source, and explain why you agree/disagree.
Describe two developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) observed in the video.
Describe how you would apply this knowledge in the classroom.
Building Emotional Literacy in Preschoolers
Summarize the purpose of the video.
Compare your thoughts on the topic to those expressed in the video.
Quote a statement, identify the source, and explain why you agree/disagree.
Describe two developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) observed in the video.
Describe how you would apply this knowledge in the classroom.
Compare the videos you analyzed for this unit in terms of the following:
Which video made the strongest impression on you, and why?
Describe something you learned or explain how your thoughts may have changed.
Which video is the most relevant or essential to you, and why?
Which of the speakers in the videos did you most personally relate to, and why?

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