Short Scholarly Research Paper:  A case study on a white collar criminal or organization 4-5 pages (1500 words minimum) not including cover page including bibliography/citation page. You must cite any work product that is not your own APA. This includes any work paraphrased. Any material amount of work that is not your own and not properly cited will result in a zero on the paper pending an instructor inquiry into the causes.

You will be required to utilize the Berkeley College Library resources to complete this project.  You must have a minimum of 3 primary scholarly sources to support your work.

Directions: Each student will identify and select a specific white collar criminal/organization and submit a written report on their selected individual using Turnitin.  This short scholarly paper will be assessed and graded through the rubric generally on both the quality of the content (the student communicates in a clear and concise way what is important in the assignment) and on the quality of the composition (grammar, word usage, organization, etc.). Be sure to include background on who the subject was, what they did, how they were caught and how this has impacted white collar crime.

Martin Frankel                        Bayou Hedge Fund                 John Rusnak

Enron                                      Toshihide Iguchi                      Nick Leeson

WorldCom                              Jérôme Kerviel                        Allen Stanford                                       

Jack Abramoff                       Kenneth Lay                         Bernie Ebbers

At a minimum the case study and analysis should include at a minimum the following elements:


Identification and background of the person/organization.

Details of the specific white collar crime committed by the person/organization, including how the scam was perpetrated.

Impact of the crime.

Outcome of the investigation/trial.

Analysis of the outcome of the investigation/trial. (was this a correct verdict, support your conclusion with facts/sources).

Describe the measures that are now in place to prevent this crime from re-occurring. What steps should be in place?


Coffin, B. (2008, March). The risk of rogues. Risk Management, 55(3), 6.

Clark, N. (2012, October 25). Court in France Upholds Trader’s Sentence and Fine. New York Times, B4(L).

Jérôme Kerviel. (2011). In Gale Biography Online Collection. Gale.

Jerome Kerviel appeals [euro]4.9bn SocGen rogue trading scandal; Jerome Kerviel, the Societe Generale rogue trader who lost the bank [euro]4.9bn ([pounds sterling]4bn) in 2008, will begin his appeal against conviction on Monday. (2012, June 3). Telegraph Online.

Carvajal, D., & Brothers, C. (2008, January 26). French Trader Is Remembered As Mr. Average. New York Times, A1(L).

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