State and federal guidelines require school districts to establish a policy for the acceptable use of the Internet as a tool for learning. In Miami-Dade County Public Schools, this policy (Links to an external site.) delineates how school-provided internet and online devices can and should be used by students and employees. Some critics argue that acceptable use policies (AUPs) appear to be as a mechanism for dealing with unacceptable behavior, rather than proactively promoting desirable and effective security behaviors. Moreover, the wide variation found in the coverage and positioning of these policies is unlikely to be fostering a coherent approach to security management.


Review the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy (Links to an external site.). Compose a one to two page reflection on how your school (work location) upholds these expectations for students and employees. Are there aspects needed to change the acceptable use policy? What would an optimal acceptable use policy include?

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