• Watch the following video on a SDAIE/ELD lesson: https://youtu.be/znrMa1ZH8iU
  • Use the table below to take notes while you watch the lesson.
  • Complete Observation Report: (optional)
    • Be sure to provide details including the school/classroom/teacher/student information and the date/time you conducted observations. Provide a rationale for your analysis. Make clear connections between the items on the SDAIE checklist and the classroom observation analysis. 
    • Write a thorough analysis of the experience according to what you have learned about SDAIE strategies.  The paper serves as documentation and reflection on your observation learning experience.  The observation reflection should be 3-4 paragraphs, 4-6 sentences in each paragraph, 1-2 pages, double-spaced. (15 points). This is the only part of the assignment that needs to be completed. The observation report is optional.
    • Submit your observation reflections in the assignment tool dropboxes below. Be sure to review the reflection rubric for the observation.
Modeling Gives a clear example of expectationsShows a finished product (student work)Performs a mini-demonstration    
Bridging Weaves to existing schemaEngages students in “into” activitiesBuilds on prior knowledge/experience    
Contextualizing Provides right environment to explore conceptUses concrete referents (pictures, realia)Elaborates through synonyms, antonyms, metaphors, analogies, anecdotes, examples, descriptions, cognates, storytelling, electronic visuals/media, etc.    
Building Schema Presents a skeletal framework to build new informationProvides advanced organizers for direct teachingPresents new information with graphic organizer (mapping, Venn diagram, semantic map)    
Developing Metacognition Encourages students to think, talk, and write about how they learned what they learnedGuides students to think about how they might reuse a learning experience in other contexts    
Reframing Guides revisitation of material with a meaningful collaborative activityTeaches same concept in different contextStudents transform narrative into graphic (art)Students transform test into skit (letter to the editor)    
Checking for Understanding Finds out if understanding has been achievedEmploys specific interactive activitiesAllows for multiple ways to show understanding    
Monitoring/Assessing Assesses on an on-going basis (multiple intelligences) and in diverse formsObserves student behaviors and languageCollects students’ products, writing, audio-tapes, artistic renditions    
Questioning Asks questions that are open-ended/referentialAsks questions that have multiple possible responsesEncourages students to question each otherEngages students in collaborative activities    
Adjusting Speech Register Adjusts speech to assure comprehensibility (enunciates clearly, moderate rate of speech and intonation, gestures) Repeats important concepts frequentlyFaces student(s) when speakingAllows more pause time for answering questionsIncorporates non-verbal behaviors to support verbal  presentation    
Orchestrating All Modalities for Learning Activities involve multiple senses in the learning processProvides hands-on activitiesSupports auditory learning with visual and kinesthetic experience    
Interacting (Teacher/Student, Student/Student, Student/Material, Student/Self) Provides opportunity for all kinds of interactionStructures activities that allow students frequent opportunities to practice oral language    
Fostering Academic English Through Vocabulary Development Teaches academic and content area vocabulary systematicallyCreates tasks that require students to practice the vocabularyEncourages students to use their primary language to review concepts and clarify their understanding    

SDAIE Checklist based on Observation Checklists by Connie Williams and Nathalie Longree-Guevara, Alameda County Office of Education, 2006

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