The research project is an integrated assignment that draws together knowledge of Economics and the econometric skills gained throughout this module. The aim is to answer a research question, or address a research problem, by writing a report.

The research and the report, should:
• Describe the question or the problem to address.
• Explain why the question and answer to it, is significant.
• Where relevant, discuss the economic theory that guides the answers to the question.
• Discuss earlier empirical examination of the question or problem by other researchers.
• Describe the regression model and estimated equation.
• Present the results, interpret and discuss them.
• End with conclusions and recommendations.

• To adhere to all the technical requirements, including referencing style.
• To consider the marks allocation – see rubric below.

This project contributes 30% to your semester mark. Please note that you have to upload your assignment on eFundi – which will allow us to do a similarity check – but also submit a hard copy for us to mark. Only if both these requirements are met, the submission will be completed. If not submitted on time, a penalty of 10% per day will be applied for submission after the due date.

This is an individual assignment/ project. In order to assure that each student estimates his/ her own regression, each student is assigned his/ her own unique sample of 300 observations from the overall range of 1 686 observations included in the EViews file “Data 2023”. See the PDF file “Samples2023” for specific details. If you want to work in a group, you may choose your own group member – for a maximum of two in a group. The empirical part of the group should then be run over a combined sample assigned to the two individuals.

The research topic is: “The impact of learnerships on income levels.”

The data is downloaded from the web site of the HSRC and contains information from individuals who completed one or more learnerships (see the following url for more details

Learnerships were introduced as a structured training intervention culminating in a qualification recognised on a National Qualifications Framework (NQF), aiming to provide a quality learning experience by integrating theoretical education and work-based skills training. They were intended as a means to replace the outdated apprenticeship system, to halt the steady decline in enterprise training experienced in the 1980s and early 1990s (Visser & Kruss, 2009 ).

Below are the names and description of the variables to be included in your empirical analysis:
Dependent variable
salarynow Monthly salary earned after completion of learnership (in Rand)

Explanatory variables
personnumber Unique number to identify respondent
age Age in years
dumfemale Dummy variable = 1 if respondent is female, 0 otherwise
dumunemenrol Dummy variable = 1 if respondent was unemployed when enrolled for learnership, 0 otherwise
formalnqf NQF level of highest formal qualification#
nqfofl NQF level of learnership completed
Size dummies*
dumlarge Dummy variable = 1 if firm of current employment is regarded as large with 150 or more employees (micro firm, with < 20 employees, as base group)
dummedium Dummy variable = 1 if firm of current employment is regarded as medium with 50 – 149 employees (micro firm, with < 20 employees, as base group)
dumsmall Dummy variable = 1 if firm of current employment is regarded as small with 20 – 49 employees (micro firm, with < 20 employees, as base group)
Race dummies*
dumafrican Dummy variable = 1 if respondent is African, 0 otherwise
dumcol Dummy variable = 1 if respondent is Coloured, 0 otherwise
dumind Dummy variable = 1 if respondent is Indian, 0 otherwise
dumwhite Dummy variable = 1 if respondent is White, 0 otherwise

  • Classifications used at the time of the survey

NQF 0 (ABET 3 (Std 5 / Gr7); NQF 1 (ABET 4 (Std 7 / Gr9); NQF 2 (Std 8 / Gr10 / N1); NQF 3 (Std 9 / Gr11 / N2); NQF 4 (Matric / N3); NQF 5 (Diplomas / Occupational certificate); NQF 6 (First degrees / Higher diplomas); NQF 7 (Honours / Master’s degree)

Technical requirements:
• Final document can be a maximum of 2500 words
• A4 page.
• Font Arial, 12pt, 1.5 spacing.
• Include the EViews output in your document as a picture.
• Being academic writing, please use academic sources and reference them properly.

Research project marking scheme
Criteria Mark Total
Description of problem/ introduction 2
Literature review: Theoretical foundation; previous findings* 6
Model specification 5
Description of data 3
EViews results 3
Report/ interpret estimated equation 4
Evaluation: A priori signs 4
Evaluation: First order tests [t (probability), R2, F] 7
Conclusion 4
In text referencing done 1
In text referencing done correctly 2
List of references correctly done 3
Technical preparation & General impression 1

  • Quote at least 5 sources for individual project and 8 for a group
    ** You can score bonus marks with creative specification, for example quadratic relationships, interactive dummies, additional variables (see Excel file), etc…

Navorsingsprojek / Opdrag 2023

Die navorsingsprojek is ’n geïntegreerde werkopdrag waarin u kennis van ekonomie en vaardighede in die stappe van ekonometriese navorsing, wat u verwerf het tydens hierdie module, getoets word. Die doel van die projek is om ’n verslag te skryf wat ‘n navorsingsvraag beantwoord of ’n navorsingsprobleem aanspreek.

U navorsing en verslag moet:
• Die vraagstuk of probleem wat jy wil oplos, beskryf.
• Verduidelik waarom die vraag en die antwoord daarop, belangrik is.
• Waar toepaslik, die ekonomiese teorie, wat tot die antwoord kan lei, bespreek.
• Ander navorsers se empiriese werk oor hierdie vraagstuk, bespreek.
• Die geskatte regressie en ekonometriese toetse omskryf.
• Die resultate, aanbied, interpreteer en bespreek.
• Eindig met gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings.

Maak seker dat u:
• Al die tegniese vereistes nakom, insluitend die gebruik van ’n gepaste verwysingstegniek.
• Die puntetoedeling in die merkplan in ag neem.

U voltooide projek moet op Vrydag 13 Oktober 2023 ingehandig word,12:00, en dra 30% by tot u deelname/ semester punt. U moet asb die opdrag oplaai op eFundi – sodat ons kan kyk of daar groot ooreenkomste is met ander opdragte – maar ook ‘n harde kopie indien wat dan nagesien sal word. Indien die opdrag laat ingedien word, sal 10% van u punt afgetrek word vir elke dag wat die opdrag na die bestemde tyd ingedien word.

Hierdie is ‘n individuele opdrag/ projek. Ten einde te verseker dat elke student sy/ haar eie regressie skat, moet elkeen sy/ haar eie steekproef (sample) van 300 waarnemings uit die beskikbare 1 686 waarnemings, in die EViews file “Data 2023”, gebruik. Die PDF dokument “Samples2023” bevat die nodige inligting. vir meer besonderhede. U mag in ‘n groep van twee persone werk en u eie spanmaat kies. Die empiriese deel van die groepstaak moet dan al die data wat aan die twee individue toegedeel is, insluit.

Die navorsingsonderwerp is: “Die uitwerking van vakleerlingskappe op inkomstevlakke.”

Die data vir die empiriese deel van die projek is verkry van individue wat een of meer vakleerlingskappe voltooi het en is beskikbaar op die web site van die HSRC (vir meer besonderhede gaan na Die onderstaande aanhaling verskaf agtergrond rondom “learnerships” of vakleerlingskappe in Suid-Afrika:
“Learnerships were introduced as a structured training intervention culminating in a qualification recognised on a National Qualifications Framework (NQF), aiming to provide a quality learning experience by integrating theoretical education and work-based skills training. They were intended as a means to replace the outdated apprenticeship system, to halt the steady decline in enterprise training experienced in the 1980s and early 1990s” (Visser & Kruss, 2009 ).

Die name en beskrywings van die veranderlikes om te gebruik in die empiriese studie, word hieronder opgesom.

Afhanklike veranderlike:
salarynow Salaris per maand na voltooiing van vakleerlingskap (in Rand)

Moontlike verklarende veranderlikes:
personnumber Unieke nommer wat respondent identifiseert
age Ouderdom in jare
dumfemale Fopveranderlike = 1 vir vroulike respondente, andersins = 0
dumunemenrol Fopveranderlike = 1 indien respondent werkloos was toe hy/sy ingeskryf het vir die vakleerlingskap, andersins = 0
formalnqf NQF vlak van hoogste formele kwalifikasie #
nqfofl NQF vlak van voltooide vakleerlingskap
Fopveranderlikes wat grootte aandui *
dumlarge Fopveranderlike = 1 indien die respondent in diens is by ‘n groot onderneming met 150 of meer werknemers (mikro-onderneming, met < 20 werknemers as basisgroep)
dummedium Fopveranderlike = 1 indien die respondent in diens is by ‘n medium onderneming met tussen 50 en 149 werknemers (mikro-onderneming, met < 20 werknemers as basisgroep)
dumsmall Fopveranderlike = 1 indien die respondent in diens is by ‘n klein onderneming met tussen 20 en 49 werknemers (mikro-onderneming, met < 20 werknemers as basisgroep)
Fopveranderlikes wat ras aandui *
dumafrican Fopveranderlike = 1 vir Swart respondent, andersins = 0
dumcol Fopveranderlike = 1 vir Kleurling respondent, andersins = 0
dumind Fopveranderlike = 1 vir Indiër respondent, andersins = 0
dumwhite Fopveranderlike = 1 vir Wit respondent, andersins = 0

  • Klassifikasie wat tydens die opname gebruik is

NQF 0 (ABET 3 (Std 5 / Gr7); NQF 1 (ABET 4 (Std 7 / Gr9); NQF 2 (Std 8 / Gr10 / N1); NQF 3 (Std 9 / Gr11 / N2); NQF 4 (Matriek / N3); NQF 5 (Diplomas / Beroepsertifikaat); NQF 6 (Eerste grade / Hoër diplomas); NQF 7 (Honneurs / Mestersgraad)

Tegniese voorskrifte:
• U dokument mag nie meer as 2500 woorde beslaan nie.
• Gebruik A4 bladsy-formaat.
• Font Arial, 12pt, 1.5 spasiëring.
• Die EViews resultate moet asb in “picture” formaat in u finale dokument ingesluit word.
• Gebruik asb akademiese bronne en verwys daarna op gepaste wyse.

ECON325 Navorsingsprojek merkplan
Kriteria Punt Totaal
Beskrywing van vraagstuk/ inleiding 2
Literatuurstudie: Teoretiese grondslag; onlangse bevindings* 6
Spesifikasie van model 5
Beskrywing van data 3
EViews resultate 3
Rapporteer en interpreteer geskatte vergelyking 4
Evaluering: A priori tekens 4
Evaluering: Eerste orde toetse [t (probability), R2, F] 7
Gevolgtrekking 4
Verwyings in teks teenwoordig 1
In teks verwysings korrek 2
Bronnelys korrek 3
Tegniese versorging & Algemene indruk 1

  • Gebruik ten minste 5 bronne per individuele projek en 8 per groep
    ** Bonuspunte kan verdien word vir kreatiewe spesifikasie, bv. kwadratiese verwantskappe, interaktiewe dummies, ekstra veranderlikes (sien Excel file), ens…

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