Essay Question 1: According to Vicker (2002), ethnic regimes are institutionalized forms that determine or influence policy processes and normalize particular policy outcomes. Ethnic regimes are ‘normative structures’ which acquire a ‘legitimating function’ that prescribes and proscribes the actions, behaviours and practices of key social groups. To what extent does Canadian Multiculturalism represent an ethnic regime? What are its constitutive parts? Provide a definition for Canadian multiculturalism as part of your response to the question above (30%)

Essay Question 2: Aboriginal self-government is central to the claims of sovereignty that Indigenous people have historically made in Canada. Describe the theoretical approaches to the study of Aboriginal conditions in Canada, and how effective they are to understanding the condition of colonial relations with the Canadian state. What is the value of Aboriginal self-government as a response to the challenges facing indigenous peoples in Canada today? What is the legal basis for the indigenous claims for sovereignty? To what extent is it a realistic basis for addressing the long-standing injustices and inequalities experienced by indigenous people in Canada and how can it contribute to the process of reconciliation between indigenous people and Canada? (30%)

Essay Question 3: There has been significant debate about the collection of race-based data in education. Some argue that it is a dangerous precedent and the data can be misused while others suggest it is necessary to understand specific problems groups face in the education system. Should the Toronto Police Services collect race based statistics? Discuss the pros and cons of the decision, taking into account the OHRCs protocol for human rights related data collection.(20%)

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